
Adam and his Care Bear

Today, Sister Tung gave me some toys which belonged to her daughter who is same age as Adam. One of them is a yellow Care Bear, when Adam saw it and he said:" Oh! I had a same one when I was a child." At first, I just thought maybe this is one of his many many toys..
One our way home, Adam always mentioned :" These toys are so good! They are so cuddly!" I don't know cuddly's meaning, I just feel strange why Adam suddently love these toys so much( like a little girl).
After we had dinner, Adam told me when he was 4 or 5, all of the kids had one Care Bear. He can remember that Jacob had a brown one with a heart on it, and Rechal had a pink one with rainbow on it, Brigham had a blue one with a cloud on it, and he Adam had a yellow one with sun on it.
One day, when they were playing with the care bears, Adam accentidently dropt his care bear in the hole on the wall. The kids try to get it out, finnaly they can't take the poor bear out. Adam was so sad........But the sadest thing is .......Dad cover the hole in the wall without take out the bear, because he didn't know the bear was in the hole. I asked Adam why you didn't tell your Dad to take it out? He said that was the kid's secreat (How silly they were~~!) Because of this thing, Adam had sad for a loooong time. He can't forget his Care bear until they gonna move. I can imagine how Adam sad at that time,he might be hit the wall with his sad face saying" open the wall~~! I want my Care Bear~~!"
I asked Adam if he forgot the Care Bear before Sister Tung gave us the new one. He said he never ever forget his yellow Care Bear, that's big impression on him! Now, the yellow Care Bear is back! It's will be his baby's toy and will bring closure to this childhood memory.
The story is so funny! I just want to say you must have very fascinating childhood!Hahaha..

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